This story is dedicated to the tradition of pulling names out of a box in Col San Martino, near Treviso.

Author: Mariaelena Porzio
Narrator: Elizabeth Kalton
Illustrator: Paolo Cossi. Translator: 0. Image creator: Anna Forlati. The story was made thanks to the collaboration of Fondazione Radio Magica onlus and UNPLI Veneto; it was developed in the framework of, and co-financed by NewPilgrimAge - Interreg Central Europe. Consulenza scientifica: Giovanna De Appolonia. Speaker, Montaggio Audio, scelta musiche: Carolina Laperchia.
Col San Martino (TV)

Art | Traditions

Appears in:
The talking Map of St. Martin in Veneto

Author: Mariaelena Porzio
Narrator: Elizabeth Kalton
Illustrator: Paolo Cossi. Translator: 0. Image creator: Anna Forlati. The story was made thanks to the collaboration of Fondazione Radio Magica onlus and UNPLI Veneto; it was developed in the framework of, and co-financed by NewPilgrimAge - Interreg Central Europe. Consulenza scientifica: Giovanna De Appolonia. Speaker, Montaggio Audio, scelta musiche: Carolina Laperchia.
Storie e curiosità correlate
Talking Map of St. Martin in Veneto
Topic: art
Topic: traditions
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